Who loves a garden still [her] Eden keeps. -Amos Bronson Alcott
Saturday, October 1, 2011
By Accident
I think I have been a little camera-happy in my desire to capture all of Ezra's cuteness. Newborns being what they are--not terribly photogenic and quite wiggly--I take 50 pictures to get one worth keeping. In the process, I end up with a series of pictures that could be turned into an amateur animation of flailing baby arms and random facial expressions. It is mostly by accident (and much persistence) that I finally get a decent shot. In no particular order, I present a photo montage of Ezra and his emerging personality.
So adorable!
Golly, he looks grown up already! What do you feed that kid?
That last one is hysterical!! I firmly believe in quantity over quality. There's always a fabulous one in there somewhere :)
It's so adorable when they make all those cute faces!
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