Thursday, January 20, 2011

(Trying to) keep it in perspective

The other night Dallin and I read in Matthew 23:23 about those who omit the "weightier matters of the law" and I was reminded of a talk I gave in my old ward from that verse. In my preparations, I had found some comments by Elder Oaks about means (or mortal methods) and ends (or eternal goals). He taught that when we focus solely on means we are in effect, omitting the weightier matters of the law. Our challenge is to not lose sight of the eternal goal, the desired end, by focusing too intently on the obvious earthly method. The weightier matters of the law are spiritual patterns, qualities, and attributes that move us strongly toward our eternal goals.
I have been thinking on this because I am struggling, as most every newly pregnant woman does, to remember the long-term purpose to all this current everyday grossness. Yesterday was horrid. (Yes, I am complaining). But then Dallin gave me a blessing, and it somehow seemed manageable. And I read Mara's blog and realized it could always be worse. And then friends started to hear the news and give their encouragement and congratulations, and I remembered that I am not alone in this season of life.
Becky Paget was one of the friends that wrote and among other things said simply, "It's worth it." I read that with tears rolling down my cheeks, but I read it with courage and faith that it is true. Another friend, Noella, wrote to tell me that she is also pregnant with her first and now in her second trimester, but was so sick during her first trimester that she actually lost weight. I also thought of my friend, Hitomi, who was sick for the entire nine months with her first pregnancy. And, so, I am counting my blessings.

Yesterday, I got out of bed, took a shower and got dressed. I cleaned the kitchen. I made dinner. And, really, that was about all. But, because I continued to breath in and out and try to eat food as best as I could, so did baby. My life is no longer just about me. Every time I breath, whether I feel disgusting or not, I am giving our baby time to grow. Hard as it is, that is the end I am trying to remember. The end that means I will be a mommy, now and through all eternity.


Jane said...

Such a sweet post. I wish you the lesser of the morning-that-can-last-all-day sickness varieties and all the joy and happiness you can stand.

Ruth said...

I'm so excited to hear about Noella!

I know that has nothing to do with your post, but I don't really know what else to say.

I'm sorry? I am. And I hope it goes away soon. I know that unfortunately there's nothing I can really do.

But really, thanks for telling about Noella. So much happiness in such a little time. :)

CL said...

I too am excited about Noella. And I'm glad she was only sick her first trimester and I hope you are too! It's all about survival. And even though you don't look pregnant yet (well, except the green complexion) you are no less pregnant now then you will be in 8 months. Sending healthy thoughts your way. Hugs.

Sara said...

Wow! Congratulations! Is this the first time you posted about being pregnant, or did I miss a previous mention of it?!?

Congratulations over and over again! I hope you start feeling better soon!

Anonymous said...

Oh what wonderful news! Yes it is worth it. Oh I am so excited for you both. Hang in there.

Brooke said...

I wish I could give you a big hug and rub your shoulders clean your kitchen for you. Can you believe so many women go through this? And what is most bizarre and wonderful to me is that they opt to go through it MULTIPLE TIMES! Just take it one day at a time, don't feel guilty about taking it easy - you are really working 24/7, and try not to worry about any countdowns for a couple months to try and maintain some sanity. I hope the sickness passes quickly.