Friday, November 13, 2009

The Kingdom of the Little People

Has it really been more than a month since I last wrote? Time flies! Life has been wonderful and busy with so many little things, I guess I have been enjoying them, but not writing about them! And...speaking of little things, I discovered a cabinet of little wonders in the visitor's center of the State Botanical Garden of Georgia. Amazing what creativity and simple little things like hickory shells, acorn caps, leaves, dried flowers, and sticks can become.
I have been working on my own little models in studio, what are called palm models (about 8" by 10") with a scale of 1/32" = 1'-0. They were built from plans I drew up for a sculpture garden and had to use three different "form vocabularies". I chose to use rectalinear, arc-and-tangent, and radial. These form vocabularies create a different feel based on the foundational geometry that is used. For example, the rectalinear is based on 90 degree angles and tends to be a little stiff and formal, while radial has a flowing, dynamic feel as it uses parts and pieces of the circle as its basic geometry. I thought it might be interesting to include some of my plans and models as they progressed. I started with functional diagrams, then hardened up the spaces and established a formal plan, then built the model (rectalinear was the first step). After building the rectalinear model I evolved the plans and models into arc-and-tangent and radial. Just for a sense of scale, a person (a tall person) in this scale would be about the size of a grain of rice.


Phat Fiddle said...

I like the geometry of the radial sculpture garden, it reminds me of donuts. Tasty tasty donuts... Excellent work!

Jane said...

Yes it has been a month and we have missed you!
Also, I love that I know what you are talking about with the models, and I love that you are going to be a landscape architect. I think I might want to be you when I grow up.