Saturday, November 21, 2009

In the Spirit of Thanksgiving

I want to make a more concentrated effort in giving thanks in the coming week.

To begin, today I am grateful for sunshine. I worked on my graphics class drawing assignments outside in wonderful weather. I am grateful "for worthy friends whose lives proclaim, devotion to the Savior's name..." I am grateful to have a break from school! I am grateful for naps. I am grateful for people who exert great effort in their church callings. Last night was a branch activity that was a wonderful success because of the committee's many hours of preparation. I am grateful for fresh starts and new beginnings. I am grateful for clean laundry. I am grateful for baked sweet potatoes. I am grateful for modern technology that allows for instant communication with the people that I love. I am grateful for most excellent parents who tirelessly give, and give, and give to me and my siblings. I am grateful for truth, and for the Holy Ghost who can help us to see truth--to see "things as they really are, they really will be..." Jacob 4:13.

This video is a good introduction to my thankfulness desire:


Jane said...

Aren't those messages cool? Happy Thanksgiving to you. Hope you enjoy it.