At around 6:00 am on a clear day with fair winds in the open field across the street from our apartment complex, you might notice an interesting gathering of people. At first glance, you might think it is an overnight camping group packing up from a sleepover under the stars. Upon closer inspection, though, you realize that the people are actually unloading, not loading.
By 6:30 am they have started to fill the balloons with hot air. Many mornings I have woken to the sound of blowing propane tanks from our open windows. The deep-throated sound makes me think of a tottering old near-sighted troll fogging up his spectacles to clean them.
The balloons are all up in the air by no later than 7:15 am, each following just one or two minutes behind the previous one traveling wherever the wind may take them.
Monday-Friday, $245 per adult, $195 per child
(slightly more on the weekends)
How exciting and interesting! Can you go over and look around even if you don't fly with them?
I was in New Mexico once during the hot air balloon festival and it was amazing.
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