Monday, November 3, 2014

Made with Love

Sometime early on in our first year of marriage, Dallin expressed an interest in helping with the cooking.  I thought it was a great idea, and we decided that Sunday night was the best time for him to do it.  Almost without exception, every Sunday night since then, he wears the chef hat.  His meals are always simple, but tasty, and though I enjoy cooking, it is wonderful to have a little break every week.  I appreciate his efforts, and feel so grateful that he has both the interest and the desire to make that contribution.

Last night, as usual, Dallin prepared the Sunday dinner.  Apparently, he was feeling rather zealous in his efforts, because we had perfectly delectable salmon quesadillas on homemade flour tortillas.  Wow!  I make most of our dinners from scratch, and like to experiment with a lot of flavors and a variety of recipes, but I have yet to even consider the idea of making my own tortillas.  It seems like so much work.  So, hats off to a sweet husband who didn't have to make the tortillas from scratch, but did anyway.  They were melt-in-your-mouth good--and made with love.      


Jane said...

That is devotion right there because tortillas are a pain to roll out and it has to be done over and over and over and over...I'm tired just thinking of it.
Hats off to Dallin!