Thursday, November 20, 2014

First Snow

We had our first snow of the season last week, and when it warmed up a little, Ezra wanted to go out and play.  As far as he was concerned, nothing had changed from the summer--except that I made him wear a coat.  (It took a good ten minutes to convince him that it was very cold and his body needed extra layers).  He went out, happy as a clam, and pulled out all his diggers and dump truck, and continued work on his construction site, like he had done every day when it was warm.  This time, though, they were scooping snow instead of dirt.  The change in weather hardly phased him.  "I have jobs to do, mommy," he said resolutely.

Maren, however, was mostly seriously displeased by the entire ordeal.  Her Aunt Sarah gifted her the most beautiful, snuggly, poofy pink coat ever, but it didn't improve her opinion of the snow and cold.  If this girl could talk, she probably would have given me a lecture about the ridiculousness of doing anything in such cold weather.  I am not much of a cold weather person either, so I can understand.  Needless to say, my adorable pink marshmallow girl didn't stay outside very long.  We'll try again another day.  

   Maren may not be keen on snow, but she has become a genius climber.  She is up and on and in everything.  Her mission in life is to get elevated as quickly as possible.  Her new favorite trick is pushing chairs to other taller things so she can then climb on them, like tables or counters.  She delights in playing in the toilet bowl, then climbing on the toilet, and frolicking in the empty bathtub.  In other developments, she has her two front teeth.  Also, she has followed her big brother's good example at prayer time, and she will now fold her arms for prayers, and sometimes keep them folded for the entire prayer without touching her food.  Dallin and I have been impressed with her self-control in that area.  She loves to pray!

Do you see her two top teeth?
Ezra has his first (real) best friend.  Aside from Bear, Ezra has formed quite an attachment for a darling girl from church, who is also in his preschool class.  Cadhla (pronounced Kyla) and Ezra play together perfectly for hours, which is a rather miraculous social development!  Just think, my sweet boy doesn't have to be constantly supervised; I don't have to help settle play disputes every ten minutes.  What an astounding concept!  The bad news is this cute girl is moving away next week (sigh).  Ezra seems to do better with girl playmates, so here's hoping someone new moves in!

Cadhla and Ezra


Jane said...

I am the complete opposite of a huge fan of snow, so I understand Maren totally. However, for that coat I might suffer through a lot of things I don't like!