Thursday, February 21, 2013

Snow Day

We got a healthy snowfall last night, which created a nice diversion for Ezra and me from the normal daily activities.  All bundled up from head to toe, we ventured out for awhile.  My little guy was up to his knees in snow!  I tried to make a snowman, but Ezra destructed as fast as I could construct.  I gave him rides on the snow shovel (no sleds to be found here).  We made snow angels and tried to eat snowflakes.  It was a nice way to spend a morning.  And, as an added bonus, I wore Ezra out.  He usually kicks and babbles in his crib for half an hour before actually taking his nap.  Today, he was out in about three minutes.   


Jane said...

I heard about all the snow over there. I am so not envious despite how adorable it all sounds.