Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Look Upward

A number of years ago, when I was a college student, I had a summer internship in another state.  I packed light, but somehow an obscure collection of hymns on cassette tape ended up in my car; I listened to it often.  One of the selections on that tape was a hymn I had, previous to that point, never heard of--"Does the Journey Seem Long?"  Soon, I had memorized all the verses to that particular hymn. 

One evening, I returned to the intern housing quite late.  My thoughts were particularly gloomy, and I had given in to self-pity over my situation.  I was missing home and family, and wishing for different circumstances.  Feeling heavy and sad, I walked the distance from my car, up the hill to the apartment.  As I walked, gently, but perfectly clearly, the words from the third verse of the hymn "Does the Journey Seem Long?" came to my mind: 

Let your heart be not faint
Now the journey's begun;
There is One who still beckons to you.
So look upward in joy
And take hold of his hand;
He will lead you to heights that are new

As I walked I did look up, literally.  The night sky in that rural setting was all aglow with twinkling stars that seemed especially bright.  I felt in my heart that I was not alone or forgotten.  The message of the hymn provided great comfort, and in that quiet moment I could feel the love of my Father in Heaven. 

The Holy Ghost brings truth to our minds in powerful ways.  I humbly acknowledge how this truth, then and now, gives me courage to press forward.  The Savior Jesus Christ offers us the gift of His Atonement.  All that is unfair about life is made right through His Atonement.  The Atonement is the balm for all hurts, pains, disappointments, and regrets.  It enables us to do hard things.  It lifts, encourages, and heals.     


Jane said...

That's sweet. Well done of you to recognize the message.

Anonymous said...

Thank you for the timely reminder.