Thursday, January 19, 2012

Tidy Tommy was here

As much as I like to be organized, some things just aren't on my radar. At such times, it sure is nice when handsome husband (aka Tidy Tommy) steps in when I just don't have the mental energy. He didn't just organize the pantry, like a good engineer he:
  • analyzed the existing system
  • identified the system's deficiencies
  • outlined improvements for said system
  • categorized the system's components and
  • implemented defined system improvements
Basically, he made it look good enough for a retail display. (All the cans are facing forward with easily read labels!) And, like a good engineer, it is all in the name of efficiency, which translates into making my life just a little bit easier.


Phat Fiddle said...

Excellent post! Hopefully it stays organized for a good long while.

Marisa said...

oh boy, Alissa. I wish I had the talent for organization! It feels so nice when things are clean and tidy!

Mae said...

Can you send him this way now? :)loved your new years card, thanks for thinking of us.