Dallin and I watched part of the archived leadership conference on-line. I realize what a blessing not only organized religion is, but also an organized religion, which is what I see in The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. I appreciate the very clear, very orderly manner that material is presented and discussed. I love that the teaching model in the church is not a stuff-it-down-your-throat approach, but (ideally) full of earnest, inspired, spirit-imbued presentation, with invitations to learn and apply. I am impressed by the following principles emphasized in this conference that have application in church AND family government:
- Leaders/parents listening more than they talk in church AND family councils and much participation by every member, which fosters revelation.
- A focus on ministering, a focus on people, a focus on the resources and talents of all.
- The council is an inspired pattern applicable in many settings, and when properly used brings unity and a greater portion of the spirit.
- The inspired council shares the burden of responsibility for work of the kingdom.
Last night Dallin and I went to a fireside on the topic of "Science, Religion, and Revelation". The speaker emphasized the importance of seeking after truth instead of comfort in each of these three areas. I see the inspired pattern of the Lord in the work of the church, as we are encouraged to use both the priesthood line AND the personal line for seeking truth. We are not to coast along comfortably relying on every word the bishop speaks, while neglecting the gift of the Holy Ghost and personal revelation in our stewardships. We are invited throughout scripture to seek that we may find, especially in our seeking for divine truth to govern our families.
It is an empowering principle ordained by God to have personal governance and accountability in church and family life. Our Father in Heaven desires our participation in his work. Inspired delegation, self-reliance, and salvation are His principles. He supplies the pattern, and grants us agency, guides us to truth as recorded in scripture, and the living Prophet, and holds us accountable according to the light and knowledge we have received within the realm of our divinely appointed roles. Our Father in Heaven desires to give us all that He has. He tutors us in His ways, we gain instruction as we consider His way of organizing, preparing, watching, and counseling. In the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints I find a divinely revealed framework for operating in His way. In personal revelation I find the manner to work out the specifics for my time and place and stewardship.