Dear Dallin,
This is what started it all.
It was summer. It was Georgia. It was the Paget's living room. It was a little crazy. It was me dancing like a wild monkey with hyper children. And it was you making a violin sing. It was magical. It was an all new Dallin that I hadn't noticed before. And in that moment I think I feel in love. How I love to hear you play! Keep that magic alive. Your violin playing was then, and remains for me now, my reason number one.
Love always, Liezel
So sweet.
I think we all fall in love with Dallin a little when he picks up the violin.
Which is the number one reason why we love you. You see and appreciate Dallin for the best reasons.
Oh man, I was looking for a picture of your sister's bridesmaid dresses for a friend and stumbled on this again as well. Now I'm all teary. Thank heavens for waterproof mascara. Love you!!
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