Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Department of Romance

Yesterday I passed by this building and its marquis sign on the campus. In the few seconds I had to scan the sign as I walked by I sort of half registered the words, but for some reason got caught up on the fourth line and laughed out loud, Department of Romance--really? A second later I realized, no, not really, it is in fact the Department of Romance Languages. I continued walking but had a fun time thinking of what kind of courses one might take if they were pursuing a degree in the Department of Romance. One might expect, for example, Psychology 502: Demystifying the Knight in Shining Armor, English 301: Shakespearean Tragic and Triumphal Couples, Physiology 475: Vital Functions of the Romantic, Italian 302: Italianate Wooing, Etymology 220: Origins of Sweet-Nothings, History 130: The Life and Times of Saint Valentine, Music 360: Compositional Theory for the Smitten, Communications 202: Verbal Expression for the Sentimental. Oh, and don't forget the study abroad program in Paris and Florence. So supposing one was in the Department of Romance pursuing a degree, would they graduate with a BS or a BA? Is romance a science or an art?
Today I was grateful for a GORGEOUS day, eating lunch outside by a fountain, and talking to my lovely mum.


Phat Fiddle said...

What a good laugh. And perhaps HES120: Climbing and Falling in Love.

Jane said...

I would say love is both a science AND an art - kind of like landscape design. There's the water and soil and stuff but it takes a true artist to plan out the shrubberies so flowers bloom all year and complement their neighbors.
Great sign.