Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Learning to See

My youth Sunday School lesson for this coming Sunday addresses the question, "How can I learn to see Heavenly Father's hand in all things?"  It has been an interesting thing to consider.  As I reflect on past experiences I can cite dozens of examples of seeing Heavenly Father work in my life; I certainly have a testimony that He is most intimately aware of me.  Considering that question this week has been a blessing, and a needed shift in perspective.

After a nasty weekend of sickness, and a Monday morning doctor visit, Ezra got his diagnosis: bronchitis and an ear infection in both ears.  He (we) have been pretty miserable.  He hasn't eaten much of anything since Saturday.  Keeping fluids in him is a challenge.  He sleeps lousy, and everything hurts.  Administering his medicine(s) is painful.  He needs breathing treatments via a nebulizer multiple times a day.  It all adds up to no fun.

And then, I learn (and it's still in progress!) to see Heavenly Father's hand in all things.  I see, for example, how my health has made small improvements, such that I actually have mental and emotional energy to care for a sick boy.  I am still throwing up, but it is usually after Ezra has gone to bed, and I see how timing has been a blessing.  I see how my prayers were answered in getting a doctor's appointment at our very popular/very busy pediatrician's office with our doctor, early on the day we needed it.  I see prayers answered that Ezra will just sleep through the night, or that he will drink his juice.  I see the blessing of good medical insurance.  I see the blessing of Bear, Ezra's comfort item, who has been a great help this last week.  I see the gift of priesthood blessings.

As an additional bonus blessing, our little orchid is blooming and giving its sweet fragrance this week.  There are three perfect blooms, and I smile to think of Heavenly Father's hand quietly working to bring a little extra cheer to each member of our family.     


Jane said...

Poor thing. Sick little ones are not fun or easy.
I wish you well and Ezra too.
I understand this new youth program is quite revolutionary for the teachers. I'm curious to see how it goes. Do you think they'd notice if I dropped in?