Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Giving Liezel a Cookie...

If You Give A Mouse A Cookie is a children's book that describes a mouse who wants a cookie, and to go with his cookie, a glass of milk, his glass of milk gives him a milk mustache, so he has to go to the sink to wash up, while in the bathroom he notices he needs a haircut...etc.
And so it goes in my life, I start to do something, and in the process of doing that initial something, I go off on a tangent of other things, and on and on it goes. Here's an example, I pull my clothes out of the dryer and take them to the bedroom to fold, and in route from the laundry room I notice the dryer sheet, so I pull it out to throw away, but I have taken out the garbage and need a new trash bag. I go looking for a new trash bag, and find one, but as I pass the pantry on the way to the trash can my eye catches a can of pumpkin and I remember I have been wanting to make pumpkin bread, so I pull out the rough ingredients, but need to consult a recipe book for specifics. I find the recipe book, which is page marked with a ticket stub from a concert, and I decide to put it with my scrapbook stuff, where I find the scotch tape and remember I need to wrap a birthday present to take to institute, which reminds me that I need to print off a quote for class and on the way to the computer, I pass my laundry basket with clothes still waiting to be folded.
The good news is, I am burning calories and likely exceeding the daily recommended steps in a day. My question though is am I still carrying the garbage bag around with me? Where did the dryer sheet end up? And now that I have the scotch tape, how many rounds about the house will it take to get the present wrapped?


Anna said...

Ha. I'm the same way. Isn't it funny how easily we can get distracted away from our tasks by the other little things around us.

Jane said...

That is funny and SO TRUE. I think that's why I end up doing so much stuff at the last minute. Not remembering it but finishing it up right before I run out the door.

Mae said...

Ha ha ha! It must be a desease and we all caught it from eachother when we lived together. Sometimes I go around in so many circles I make myself dissy.