Friday, August 19, 2011

I Never Knew

Is part of growing up liking a wider palette of vegetables?

I think I was open to most veggies as a kid, but perhaps had somewhat limited exposure to all the potential variety an olericulturist could offer. It wasn't until my twenties that I tried, and liked, such things as collard greens, mustard greens, and okra (thank you Georgia). Despite bad PR I have now tried, and actually love, brussel sprouts, especially steamed and tossed in lemon butter. This past winter I tried a root vegetable stew made from turnips, parsnips, and rutabagas and was pleasantly surprised.

Just this month, some friends at church gave us some of their bumper crop of homegrown Swiss chard, and I have a new vegetable love. Husband and I steamed the greens, ate them without any seasoning, butter, etc., and each had three servings, finishing the entire bowl in one sitting! How have I lived this long and never known that I love Swiss chard?!

I am still working on liking beets. One of these days I will meet a borscht I like.


Jane said...

Swiss chard is lesser known and tres more exensive in the grocery store so I'm thinking that's how you lived so long without it.
I'm still not a huge fan of mustard etc. greens, though I do love brussel sprouts and the bitter lettuces like endive and company.
As for beets, have you tried them pickled?