Tuesday, June 7, 2016

Maren loves...

One of my Maren challenges has been helping her find a favorite activity.  She dabbles briefly and loosely in dozens of things, but has no particular fancy.  As a mom, I am always in observation mode, hoping to help her find her fit.

She has dolls, and has even named a few of them, but usually gives them a little nod at bedtime, maybe a snuggle or two, and is done with them.  She has a trio of thin swaddling-type blankets that she chews on mercilessly, but only when she is sad and needs comfort.  She is entertained by Ezra's animal collection, but also thinks puzzles, trains, play food, the dollhouse, and books are equally interesting for short spurts of time on most days.

I have recently discovered a few activities she will do everyday: 1) swing 2) listen to music 3) hold a bug.

First, swing.  Maren will sit contentedly in a swing being pushed for at least 30 minutes.  I have on a compassionate day pushed Maren non-stop in a swing for an hour (have I mentioned my nicely formed bicep muscles?)  Sometimes when we go to the park, she will do nothing but swing.  We have a small play set/fort in our backyard, and she seeks every possible opportunity to swing there too. 

Second, music.  She loves when daddy plays the piano or violin, and she loves singing along to music.  Her most favorite Primary song is "Book of Mormon Stories" (p.118).  She knows all eight verses nearly flawless, and quotes the lyrics of the song whenever one of the characters is mentioned during scripture study time.  We have been reading about Ammon lately; any time his name is spoken, Maren spurts out, "...was a missionary serving Lamanites, tending King Lamoni's sheep for several days and nights."   Maren loves music!

Third, bugs.  I was a little surprised by her attraction to creepy-crawlies, but it makes sense.  We spend a great deal of time outside working in the yard, tending the garden, and frolicking in parks and other green spaces--and encounter bugs regularly.  She has no qualms with extracting worms, and cradling them in her hands or grabbing up roly-polys or ladybugs mid-stride.  Unfortunately, she tends to love her bugs to death, and they die a quick, painful death by an accidental young enthusiast.  She recently found an unsuspecting worm, which was quickly--and unintentionally--ripped in two.  She ran up to me grinning and excited, "Mommy, look!  My worm has a family now!"    


Jane said...

Oh! That's both precious and sad for the worm.
I am proud of your tolerance. I will take snakes, frogs, lizards over bugs any day.