Wednesday, October 28, 2015


My parents came for a visit earlier this month.  We decided to spend our time seeing some of the unique natural wonders in our local area.  My dad is a geologist at heart, and thrilled over the formations at Red Rocks.  The bottom wall of the amphitheater offered good climbing opportunities for Ezra.  The stairs and trails gave us all a good bit of exercise on such a perfect fall day.  We also stopped at the Dinosaur Ridge museum, which certainly helped me appreciate what a treasure trove this area is for the paleontologist. 

I love this picture!  Ezra is saying, "I love you," with fingers, and Maren is trying to say, "Thumbs up!," with fingers.  She hasn't quite figured out how to stick up just a thumb, so a raised index finger is her way of saying it.

We also walked through a section of downtown Golden, and enjoyed the view along the creek trail.  Ezra and Maren couldn't leave without throwing several pounds of pebbles into the creek.  We picked a safe looking rock outcrop and gave them some throwing time.


Jane said...

How fun! And though I don't miss the snow, living here, I do miss the fall sometimes. What a great trip.