Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Let's Try Again

This morning Ezra asked me an interesting question, "Why do you make mistakes mommy?" 

After a surprised chuckle at his astuteness, we had a nice talk about how people are imperfect and mistakes are normal.  And, then we had a beautiful discussion about how Jesus Christ is the only perfect person, and He shows us by example how to live.  I bore my testimony to him that because of Jesus mistakes don't have to be endings, but opportunities to keep trying. 

He seemed satisfied with my answer, and then repeated to me a statement we use often in our home, "Mommy, we can always try again."  What a glorious truth!  I probably say it every day: "Let's try again!"  How sweet the blessing of repentance!  How sweet the blessing of a merciful Savior who offered His life as a sacrifice for each of us!  Because of Him, we can try again.  We can always try again. 


Anonymous said...

Astute?! Impressive!! I thought my parents were perfect and Celestial Kingdom shoe-ins for many years. I love listening to your little guy's pithy observations.

Jane said...

Kids are mighty impressive. And very forgiving. I wonder when we start to resent and hold grudges?