She is now crawling in the traditional hand-arm/bent knee fashion, but if she gets excited or needs to get somewhere fast, she reverts to her body flop. She pulls herself up to anything and anyone that will hold still long enough. She loves standing at the bottom of stairs, but hasn't yet figured out how to climb. She loves playing the piano. She loves balls, and has a strange habit of holding small balls with both hands up against her chest. We have discovered that it is very comforting to her, and will often calm her cries, especially when she rides in the car. Perhaps it is some sort of tactile/sensory connection? It works, so we keep a lot of little balls around the house.
Maren is super wiggly and sitting for books and pictures is not her preference. She has no real attachment to any doll, toy, or activity. She is a very snugly, and giggles when we nuzzle noses. We are learning body parts and gets a kick out of stuffing numerous fingers in my nose and mouth. She plays peek-a-boo and "so big!" with me. She loves the "dump it out" concept and can make quick work of pencil boxes, laundry baskets, and toy buckets.
Her hair is long and curly and her eyes are still a gorgeous clear blue. She has been sad, restless, and uncomfortable lately and may be teething, have an ear infection, or tummy problems--or maybe a little of all three. She wakes up in the middle of the night often for no apparent reason, and she and I spend the wee-small hours of the morning walking the house. I am hoping my giggly girl returns soon! She has such a great smile!