Wednesday, April 16, 2014

I'm So Glad When Daddy Comes Home!

Boy, I love to see this face at the end of day full of busy little people!  Ezra and Maren are wonderful, and tiring, and entertaining, and challenging, and such fun, but it is such a pleasant relief when this handsome husband walks in the door.

I know for a fact, I would make a lousy military wife.  I need back-up, I need my team-mate, I need Dallin!  I feel so grateful for his willingness to walk in the door and immediately join the ranks in dinner preparation or snuggling a needy child.

The working world is not always so kind, and lately, my sweetheart has been working longer and longer hours.  Though it may be distracting and cluttered and noisy, I hope it is a brief refuge from the daily battle at the office.

We love you daddy!  Welcome home!    


Anonymous said...

There is something wonderful and reassuring that fills any room that man walks into. You're a lucky family.

Jane said...

I'm so glad that years and two children haven't made you lose sight of the blessing of each other.
It's a foundation for eternity.
Well done.