Tuesday, June 28, 2011

The Prophet Said to Plant a Garden...

"Where you have a plot of land, however small, plant a garden. Staying close to the soil is good for the soul." --Spencer W. Kimball

Well, we are trying. We have a patio garden in pots, and for right now that is the best we can do. This year we are trying spinach, butterhead lettuce, bell peppers, cilantro, basil, dwarf tomato, cucumber, and a strawberry plant. Last night we harvested some greens for a salad, which feels awesome. Since our planting day on June 5, there has been some noticeable growth. The first little cucumber has started to form and the pepper and tomato plants are twice as big.

Garden at planting: Garden progress as of today:


Phat Fiddle said...

A garden is a good place to be, especially when you can eat it too :)

Jane said...

It's so cool when something you planted grows. Nice job.