Last weekend was truly lovely, and hard to beat: Easter and General Conference in one weekend. Grandpa John was also here visiting, which was a treat. We don't often get a visit from just him, and I think the kids got to know him a little better one-on-one.
Sunday morning we sat around the breakfast table and had a wonderful talk about the Resurrection of Jesus Christ, and then we discussed the unique opportunity of seeing Thomas S. Monson on the television screen. Ezra was beyond excited, and was thrilled when the Prophet's face did appear at the pulpit--brief though it was.
One of my favorite moments from this most recent General Conference came in the Sunday afternoon session. Maren was upstairs napping--and Daddy and Grandpa might have dozed off for a bit too--so it was very quiet. Ezra sat snuggled next to me listening (mostly), and then a member of the Seventy named Kevin W. Pearson started speaking and Ezra was suddenly fully engaged. I don't imagine Elder Pearson intended to appeal to a 3.5 year-old audience, but he completely captured Ezra's attention. My sweet Ezra boy was hanging on every word, and with great excitement would repeat back to me some of his many memorable phrases, such as:
"Satan has powerful tools, Mommy!"
"Lehi!..The tree of life!"
"Don't forget to pray, Mommy!"
"We need to stay on the path, Mommy!"
"We need to stay by the tree, Mommy!" (repeated at least three times)
"The Book of Mormon--every day!"
Being a mom has many rewards, and they are usually in the quiet moments of the day when the still, small voice of the Spirit can touch my heart or my children's heart--or both. Ezra and I had one of those sweet mommy-son moments as we heard truth together. I am so grateful for the gift of the Holy Ghost.