Friday, December 7, 2012

Bear Gymnastics

Ezra and Bear are preparing for their forthcoming circus performance.  Ezra is the hard-nosed task master, Bear the agile performer.  Gymnastic practice sessions have been a regular occurrence at our house of late.  Ezra tells me that Bear has greatly improved his front flip; back flip still needs some more work.

p.s.--I usually post all of our videos to this site:  This particular video was especially cute, so I included it on the blog as well. 

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Touchy-Feely in the Garden

We make good use of our botanic garden membership.  I am one of those strange people who thinks the garden is beautiful even in December.  Ezra and I made a visit today and were two of the ten (or less) patrons in the entire place.  I let the little guy walk the whole garden, and we took a rather serpentine route with Ezra in the lead.  We had quite the sensory experience, touching any interesting looking plant, rock, or structure within reach.  We found (among others) rosemary, sage, lavender, thyme, and about six different grass seed heads good for tickling noses.  In the tropical conservatory he made contact with about twenty genera of plants and was fascinated by the poison dart frogs in the display case.

Bear was also along for the adventure; the two of them are inseparable lately.  I think Bear enjoyed his day too, though he was dropped half a dozen times and came home with a dirty nose.

Ezra was rather giddy at the garden with all the freedom and options for exploring--not to mention the joy of being outside for more than an hour.  His new word is "happy" and his rosy cheeks and toothy grin were all happiness today.